Places Where Mold Grows

Mold growth is becoming a more common, and at the same time even more hazardous, menace across Denver.Experts who perform professional Mold inspection Denver explains some unusual places where molds grow, so that people can have clearly identify the intense need for a professional mold inspection.

Behind Walls

One of the most common habitat for mold growth is the wall cavity, as it locks measurable humidity and moisture perfect for the mold to survive and spread. It is not so easy to identify if there is a mold infection behind the walls, unless you seek the help of an expert from a company offering professional Mold inspection Denver. An inch by inch mold test and subsequently, mold removal/remediation may be required.

Above Ceiling

The most common reason for having molds growing above the ceiling is a leak in the roof. Water that is spilled from the leak could make the ceiling a perfect place for the molds to spread.It may be easy to remove mold from materials that are non-porous in nature, whereas porous materials like drywall may need expert advice and interference to remove the mold colony completely.


Insulations tend to keep the moisture for a long time when they get exposed to flood, water leakage, etc. So, it is necessary to check insulations for mold growth if such an incident happens. Periodic visits from an expert who performs Mold inspection Denver may be required if there was a history of mold growth on the insulation.

Air Ducts

Molds growing in air ducts and HVAC system can be more hazardous than molds growing in any other places, as the chances of spreading the toxic pores are high.Unless a certified mold test expert visits you and checks the air ducts for mold growths that are completely hidden from plain eyes, most people couldn’t identify the reason why they fall Ill often.

On Furniture

Experts of Mold inspection Denver suggest to keep a distance between the furniture and the walls, as it can reduce the air flow thereby reducing the chances of air gaining moisture. The bottoms of furniture are the most prone to mold growth, whereas drawers, cupboards and pull-out sections could also get infected with molds.

It is wise to seek the help of a professional Mold inspection specialist before deciding to go for mold cleaning. This is because of the fact that the cleaning may not be accurate and complete without the findings and test reports of experts performing Mold inspection Denver.