What we Offer

Molds are so hazardous to an extent that the growth of these fungi in residential and business buildings led to the coining of the term “Sick Building Syndrome”.Mold growth needs proper, timely and professional inspection and removal, as it may cause air borne diseases, allergies, etc. to the people who breathe in the spores released by these fungi. In cities like Denver, where the weather changes from hot to cold in a blink of the eye, choosing a professional and experienced Mold testing company have become essential. To help you to choose the best Denver Mold testing Company, a list of features that are available only with the best companies has been made. Read on to check out those features.

Certified Mold Inspectors

The best Mold testing company in Denver will always and only employ Certified Mold Inspectors for inspecting the Mold infected places. Only a person with a deep scientific understanding of the habitat, favorable conditions, span and things that can be host to Mold growth can perform a complete inspection. The right specimen has to be collected during such inspections to get the exact results that are key for the Mold removal team to get their job done accurately.

This is, without any doubt, is the first and foremost factor that decides if a company is really one of the best Denver Mold testing companies.

State of the Art Labs

A company that employs only certified professional is not complete until it has its own fully functioning, fully equipped, state of the art testing labs. The samples collected during inspection tend to alter their states from the time they were collected, and when they reach the labs of another company, the results may vary. So, a company owned testing lab is an essential to decide if a Denver Mold testing company is a better choice or not.

A reasonable price

Mold testing takes years of experience and sheer expertise to make sure that all the probably infected spots are tested, and the samples of all the molds, indoor air and outdoor air are collected.This type of deep analysis could not be offered free of cost, as the lab usage charges and employment expenses of certified professionals are to be borne by the company. A very few Denver Mold testing companies may offer you free inspection and charge you for the lab testing charges alone.

Other features like customer friendliness, comprehensive reports and reference to professional mold removal/remediation companieswere also common among the best Denver Mold testing companies.