Who uses our Services

Mold growth has grown in to one of the most menacing issues in the recent years, evident from the increasing lawsuits filed against realtors, landlords and insurance claims, all based on mold. This is where hiring a professional service provider for Mold Testing Denver comes in handy. Let us check out the various uses of hiring a professional and certified Mold Inspection company for various needs.

Healthy Life

There is no need for a lawsuit or symptoms of illness, to fix up an inspection visit from an expert mold test company. Molds spread through microscopic spores and all they need to survive and spread is a base to grow, and some moisture.This makes it possible for them to grow anywhere from wet walls to ceiling tops. If you care about your family health a lot, then it is a wise decision to check for Mold growth now and then, as you can protect your family from too many dangerous consequences that are sometimes fatal in nature.

Real Estate Business

Whether you are a buyer, or a seller, or even a realtor, it is better to have to visit from a service provider of Mold Testing Denver to the house/building you plan to sell, buy or deal with. This could protect you from many different problems, especially legal and insurance related problems that may arise due to future appearance of mold growth in the building.

Tenant / Landlord Problems

Tenants may seek the help of a professional Mold testing company to analyze the intensity of mold growth in the apartment they stay. This way, they can have a solid proof to present for legal proceedings against the landlord. But, when some legal advisors mislead the tenants to leave the room locked with all their valuables inside, landlords may fix a visit from a service provider of Mold Testing Denver with advice from a legal counselor. This can help them in eradicating the mold growth issue at the earliest and can save them a lot of money.

Constriction Companies

Companies that construct residential and business buildings should always produce a Denver Mold Testing report after completion of the construction. This can help them in avoiding lawsuits about mold growth in the building, from those who bought the building.

Even hotels, industries and every other place where there are possibilities of mold growth can make use of a professional Mold Testing Denver and can keep themselves from facing health, money and law related problems.